
[…] Les Géants de Tempête, de Feu et de Glace sont des créatures semi-magiques, des serviteurs de forces naturelles et peuvent avoir des pouvoirs magiques appropriés.


[WFB2 - Bestiaire]


Les esprits élémentaires, ou simplement « élémentaires », sont des manifestations des forces naturelles des quatre éléments : Terre, Eau, Air et Feu. Selon les circonstances de leur apparition, ces manifestations peuvent prendre des formes diverses. Les élémentaires conjurés par des sorciers élémentalistes prennent souvent un aspect humanoïde.

Les élémentaires possèdent à la fois des traits communs et des particularités dues à leur élément d’origine.

Elémentaires (règles générales)

Les élémentaires n’ont aucune conscience individuelle ni aucune intelligence personnelle. Leurs souvenirs sont ceux de la planète même. Un élémentaire pourra sembler extrêmement sage ou complètement stupide : en réalité, son intelligence n’est pas comparable à celle d’un être humain. Un élémentaire ne pose jamais de questions, ne porte aucun jugement et n’a pas de motivations personnelles. Il obéit aux ordres de son conjurateur et se dissipe lorsqu’il est tué.

Distribution : Les élémentaires sont le monde.

Alignement : Aucun.

Socle : Selon la figurine.

Règles spéciales : Un élémentaire n’a pas de taille fixe, il peut, au début de son tour, se subdiviser en plusieurs élémentaires plus petits qui seront joués individuellement et non pas en unité.

Un élémentaire normal est de « taille 10 » : toutes ses caractéristiques, sauf sont mouvement, sot de 10 (voir profil), il peut se diviser en deux élémentaires de taille 5, en dix élémentaires de taille 1, en deux de taille 3 et un de taille 4, etc, au gré du joueur. Ses caractéristiques seront toujours égales à la taille de la créature, son mouvement sera égal à sa taille x 2,5cm.

Lorsqu’un élémentaire reçoit une blessure, toutes ses caractéristiques sont réduites. Ainsi, un élémentaire de taille 4 recevant une blessure deviendra un élémentaire de taille 3.

Les élémentaires ne sont pas affectés par les armes non-magiques, leurs propres attaques (des piétinements) sont considérées comme des attaques magiques. Les élémentaires ne sont pas des créatures vivantes. Ils sont insensibles aux effets psychologiques et ne peuvent être mis en déroute.

Les élémentaire provoquent la peur chez toutes les créatures vivantes. Les élémentaires de taille 10 provoquent aussi la terreur chez toutes les créatures vivantes.

Ils sont sujets à l’instabilité (voir le volume Magie Guerrière).

Il peut arriver que des élémentaires de types différents entrent en conflit : de tous les élémentaires placés en contact socle à socle, celui dont la taille est la plus grande gagne le combat, il ne subit aucun dommage, les autres élémentaires sont détruits.

Elémentaires de l'Air

Ils sont invisibles ou prennent une forme nuageuse et tourbillonnante. Les élémentaires de l’air ne peuvent se déplacer que par voie aérienne : ils ne volent cependant pas : déplacez-les selon le mouvement donné dans leur profil. Ils passent au dessus de tous les obstacles en contact avec l’air sans pénalité et peuvent attaquer tout ce qui est en contact avec l’air.

Ils ne peuvent pas traverser une barrière faire de l’un des autres éléments, mais ils peuvent la contourner ou passer au dessus. Ils ne peuvent aller ni sous terre, ni sous l’eau.

Un élémentaire de l’air de taille 5 ou plus peut jeter un sort de Rafale de Vent une fois par tour. Les élémentaires n’ont pas de PM, ils tirent leur énergie directement de l’univers et leurs sorts fonctionnent toujours.

Elémentaires de la Terre

Ils ont, généralement, un aspect rocheux ou pierreux. Les élémentaires de la terre peuvent traverser les objets solides à leur guise, se déplacer sur le sol, dans le sol, dans les murs, etc, sans aucune pénalité.

Ils ne peuvent pas traverser une barrière faite de l’un des autres éléments, mais ils peuvent la contourner ou passer au dessus. Ils ne peuvent pas se déplacer dans les airs car ils doivent rester en contact permanent avec le sol. Ils se déplacent sans pénalité dans les bâtiments. Un élémentaire de la terre qui perd contact avec le sol est détruit. Un élémentaire de la terre de taille 5 ou plus peut jeter un sort d’Assaut de Pierre une fois par tour. Les élémentaires n’ont pas de PM, ils tirent leur énergie directement de l’univers et leurs sorts fonctionnent toujours.

Elémentaires du feu

Ils sont lumineux et couverts de flammes.

Les élémentaires du feu peuvent se déplacer sur toute la surface de jeu sans pénalité. Oms passent au dessus des barrières de terre ou d’air à vitesse normale mais ils ne peuvent ni entrer sous terre ni s’envoler dans les airs. Ils ne peuvent pas traverser une barrière faite de l’un des autres éléments. Ils ne peuvent pas traverser les objets solides mais peuvent se glisser à travers le moindre interstice des bâtiments à vitesse normale. Un élémentaire de feu isolé au dessus d’une étendue d’eau est détruit. La pluie tue les élémentaires du feu.

Un élémentaire du feu de taille 5 ou plus peut jeter un sort de Boule de feu une fois par tour. Les élémentaires n’ont pas de PM, ils tirent leur énergie directement de l’univers et leurs sorts fonctionnent toujours.

Elémentaires de l'eau

Ils peuvent prendre la forme d’une vague ou celle d’une pluie torrentielle. Les élémentaires de l’eau peuvent se déplacer sur toute la surface de jeu sans pénalité. Ils passent au dessus des barrières de terre ou d’air à vitesse normale mais ils ne peuvent ni entrer sous terre ni s’envoler dans les airs. Ils peuvent se déplacer librement à travers l’eau sous toutes ses formes, y compris les systèmes de drainage et les rivières souterraines. Un élémentaire d’eau de taille 5 ou plus peut jeter un sort d’éclair une fois par tour. Les élémentaires n’ont pas de PM, ils tirent leur énergie directement de l’univers et leurs sorts fonctionnent toujours.


[Citadel Compendium 3]


Ces nouveaux types d'Élémentaires sont d'autres manifestations de forces naturelles, comme les éléments de base de la terre, de l'air, du feu et de l'eau. Ils ont une affinité avec l'un de ces 4 éléments, et n'attaqueront et ne peuvent pas blesser d'autres élémentaires de ce type. Toutes les règles générales qui s'appliquent aux Élémentaires s'appliquent à eux (voir page 47 du Bestiaire Warhammer Battle). […]

Élémentaire de Vie

Les Élémentaires de Vie sont alliés aux Élémentaires de Terre. Contrairement aux autres Élémentaires de Terre, cependant, ils sont élancés et gracieux, comme un jeune arbre ou une femme élégante. Ce sont des créatures de la croissance, la force qui donne la vie aux plantes. Ils sont surtout révérés par les Elfes – qui, plus que toutes les autres races, se préoccupent des créatures vivantes, des plantes utiles, des herbes stimulantes et autres substances végétales. Les règles sont les mêmes que pour les Elémentaux de Terre, sauf que les Élémentaires de Vie de taille 5 ou plus grands peuvent lancer le sort Haie d'Epine plutôt que Assaut de Pierres.

Élémentaire de Mort

L'Élémentaire de Mort est aussi allié à l'Élémentaire de Terre, mais représente le côté obscure de la force – celle qui ramène la vie sous terre, permettant la renaissance du sol. L'équilibre entre la vie et la mort est très délicat, car l'un nourrit l'autre dans un cycle continu et harmonieux. Les règles sont les mêmes que pour un Élémentaire de Terre, sauf qu'un Élémentaire de Mort ne peut pas utiliser le sort Assaut de Pierre. Un Élémentaire de taille 5 ou plus peut utiliser à la place un pouvoir unique appelé l'Étreinte de Mort. L'Élémentaire indique simplement une figurine vivante, provoquant D6 blessures, qu'importe l'endurance et sans sauvegarde possible. La portée est égale à la taille de l'Élémentaire en pouces (taille 5 = 5'', taille 10 = 10'', etc). Ce pouvoir peut être utilisé au corps à corps en plus des attaques normales.

Élémentaire de Peste

C'est un Élémentaire de l'air. Son arrivée peut être prédite par la puanteur qui le précède, comme de la chair en décomposition ou des ordures. Les règles sont les mêmes que pour un Élémentaire de l'Air. Les Élémentaires de Peste peuvent lancer le sort Rafale de Vent, comme les autres Élémentaires de l'Air, mais c'est un vent puant. Cela provoque l'équivalent de 1 touche de force 3 sur chaque cible vivante affectée par la rafale. Les Elfes, plus concernés voire obsédés par leur hygiène personnelle, subissent une touche de force 4. Les victimes noircissent, leurs langues gonflent horriblement, leur peau se couvre de cloques et de gros bubons jaunes éclatent partout sur leur corps.




Elémentaux d'Air
Elémentaux d'Eau
Elémentaux de Terre
Elémentaux de Feu

Lorsque l'énergie inhérente à l'un de ces quatre éléments – le Feu, l'Eau, l'Air et la Terre – s'incarne, les créatures ainsi formées sont connues sous le nom d'Elémentaux. Bien qu'il n'existe pas réellement de formes naturelles d'Elémentaux, chacune a une manifestation familière qui est, à la base, humanoïde; cela est dû au fait que la plupart des Elémentaux sont évoqués par des Sorciers Elémentalistes ou des Druides et qu'ils répondent habituellement en imitant la forme de leur évocateur.

Chacun des quatre types d'Elémentaux a des pouvoirs qui lui sont propres. Cependant, tous les Elémentaux partagent beaucoup de traits communs; les même règles s'appliquant à chacun.

Règles Générales

Les Elémentaux sont des manifestations physiques temporaires des quatre forces naturelles du Feu, de l'Eau, de l'Air et de la Terre. Ils n'ont aucun sens réel de l'identité personnelle ni d'intelligence individuelle. Leur mémoire est celle de leur Elément dans son entier; parfois un Elémental paraîtra être très sage alors qu'en d'autres moments il semblera très stupide. En réalité, il leur manque quelque chose qu'un humain pourrait reconnaître comme de l'intelligence; ils ne se posent jamais de questions, ils ne prononcent aucun jugement de quelque sorte que ce soit et ils n'ont jamais de motivation personnelle. Ils obéissent aux ordres de leur évocateur et sont détruits s'ils sont tués.

Certains Elémentaux peuvent lancer des sorts. Ceux-ci réussissent toujours et les Elémentaux n'ont pas de Niveaux de Magie, étant donné qu'ils tirent leur énergie directement de la source du monde.

Un Elémental n'a pas de taille fixe. Les Elémentaux d'une certaine taille peuvent se diviser en de plus petits Elémentaux ou se combiner dans un plus grand, au commencement de leur Tour. Les Elémentaux divisés n'opèrent pas comme une unité, mais sont traités séparément.

Un Elémental « Standard » a une taille de « 10 » et le Profil donné ci-dessous. Comme vous pouvez le voir, toutes les Caractéristiques sont égales à 9 ou 90. L'Elémental peut se diviser en 2 Elémentaux de taille « 5 », 10 Elémentaux de taille « 1 » ou ce que désire l'évocateur. Les Caractéristiques sont toujours égales à la taille de la créature ou en fraction de taille comme il est approprié.

Pour toutes tranches de 9 Points de Dommage subis par un Elémental, sa taille est réduite de 1 et ainsi toutes ses Caractéristiques seront réduites de 1 ou de 10 selon la gamme de valeurs de la Caractéristique. Ainsi, un Elémental de taille « 4 » prenant 9 Points de Dommage deviendra un Elémental de taille « 3 » et toutes ses Caractéristiques seront changées en fonction de cette réduction.

Les Elémentaux ne peuvent pas être blessés par des armes normales. Leur propre Attaques peuvent être faites dans n'importe quelle direction, sans tenir compte de l'orientation. Les Attaques d'un Elémental sont magiques et peuvent blesser des créatures qui sont immunisées à toutes les armes non-magiques.

Occasionnellement, les Elémentaux de différents types peuvent entrer en conflit. Dans ce cas, calculez la valeur totale des tailles de chaque type d'Elémentaux au contact. Le type d'Elémental qui a la plus haute valeur totale gagne et les autres Elémentaux sont détruits; le type d'Elémental victorieux est cependant réduit en taille d'un montant égal au total des tailles des Elémentaux qu'il a défait. Par exemple, un Elémental de Feu de taille 10 battra deux Elémentaux de taille 3 mais lui-même sera réduit à une taille de 4 dans le processus. Si les totaux des deux côtés sont les mêmes, alors les deux types seront détruits.

Profil Type :

M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc

9 90 90 9 9 90 90 9 90 90 90 90 90 -

Les Elémentaux d'Air

Les Elémentaux d'Air sont souvent invisibles ou prennent une forme brumeuse tourbillonnante. Ils ne peuvent se déplacer que par voie des airs. Ils peuvent se déplacer au-dessus et attaquer quiconque se trouvant au contact de l'air. Les Elémentaux d'Air ne peuvent pas se déplacer au travers d'une barrière d'autres éléments mais peuvent se mouvoir au-dessus ou autour d'eux, si cela est possible. Ils ne peuvent pas se déplacer sous terre ou dans l'eau mais ne subissent aucune pénalité ou restriction du Mouvement. Un Elémental d'Air de taille 5 ou plus peut incanter un sort Rafale de Vent par Round (voir les Sorts de Magie de Bataille – section Magie).

Les Elémentaux d'Eau

Les Elémentaux d'Eau peuvent prendre la forme de grandes vagues ou de trombes dans un plan d'eau comme une mer ou un lac et apparaissent comme une pluie cinglante, torrentielle, sur les terres. Ils peuvent se déplacer à travers l'air et la terre à leur potentiel de Mouvement normal mais ne peuvent pas complètement pénétrer soit la terre, soit l'air. De plus ils peuvent se déplacer à travers n'importe quel plan d'eau, y compris les rivières souterraines et les égouts.

Un Elémental d'Eau d'une taille de 5 ou plus peut incanter un sort Éclair par Round (voir les Sorts de Magie de Bataille – section Magie).

Les Elémentaux de Terre

Les Elémentaux de Terre ont une peau rugueuse et pierreuse dans n'importe quelle forme qu'ils prennent. Ils peuvent se déplacer au travers d'objets solides de pierre ou de métal à volonté, y compris les murs, les portes et le sol lui-même. Ils ne peuvent pas traverser une barrière composée d'un des autres éléments quoi qu'ils puissent passer dessus ou autour d'un obstacle s'ils peuvent le faire sans perdre le contact avec la terre. Ils doivent rester en contact avec le sol à tout moment; si un Elémental de Terre est détaché du sol, il tombe en poussière et il est instantanément détruit.

Un Elémental de Terre d'une taille de 5 ou plus peut incanter un sort Assaut de Pierre par Round (voir les Sorts de Magie de Bataille – section Magie).

Les Elémentaux de Feu

Les Elémentaux de Feu apparaissent sous forme de flammes animées. Ils peuvent se déplacer librement à condition qu'ils restent en contact avec l'air et la terre; si un Elémental de Feu perd le contact avec le sol ou est coupé de l'air, il s'éteindra et cessera d'exister. Un Elémental de Feu ne peut pas traverser de barrières d'autres éléments. Il ne peut pas se mouvoir au travers d'objets solides mais peut s'infiltrer à travers des structures qui ne sont pas privées d'air avec un Mouvement normal. Les Elémentaux de Feu qui restent sous l'eau sont détruits; une forte pluie peut aussi les détruire. Chaque coup d'un Elémental de Feu cause 1D6 Points de dommage dus au feu.

Un Elémental de Feu d'une taille de 5 ou plus peut incanter un sort Boule de Feu par Round (voir les Sorts de Magie de Bataille – section Magie).




Les Élémentaires sont des esprits de la nature, qui incarnent les forces des quatre éléments de l'Air, de la Terre, du Feu et de l'Eau. Ils peuvent prendre de nombreuses formes, mais à l'instar des démons, ils prennent généralement une forme humanoïde. Chacun des quatre types d'Élémentaires a un pouvoir unique. Cependant, tous les Élémentaires obéissent aux règles suivantes.

Les Élémentaires sont des manifestations temporaires des forces magiques liées à l'univers matériel. Comment ou pourquoi l'univers matériel devrait contenir cette « magie prisonnière » n'est pas pas connu avec certitude. Les Mages Slann affirment que ce n'était pas avant l'effondrement de leurs portails inter-dimensionnels et les Incursions du Chaos que les forces magiques entrèrent de cette manière dans le monde. Certains théoriciens du Vieux Monde ont avancé l(hypothèse que les Élémentaires sont de la même substance que les démons, mais qu'ils prirent leur forme il y a bien longtemps d'influences éthérées et furent liés à l'univers matériel. Quelle que soit leur origine, les Élémentaires ont peu d'identité propre ou d'intelligence individuelle. Ils manquent de sentiments humains ou animaux, leurs émotions viennent entièrement de leurs invocateurs, leur obéissant jusqu'à leur destruction.

Socle : 40 x 40 mm.

Règles Spéciales

1.Les Élémentaires sont de dix tailles différentes, de 1 à 10. Un Élémentaire « 10 » a des caractéristiques de 10, un Élémentaire « 5 » a des caractéristiques de , un Élémentaire « 1 » a des caractéristiques de 1, ainsi de suite. Le profil d'un Élémentaire de taille « 10 » standard est donné ci-dessous.
2.Les Élémentaires peuvent se diviser en fragments plus petits au début de leur phase de mouvement. Un Élémentaire « 10 » peut se diviser en deux « 5 », ou trois « 3 » et un « 1 », ou tout ce que le joueur désire du moment que le total est le même que l'Élémentaire d'origine.
3.Chaque fois qu'un Élémentaire reçoit une blessure, toutes ses caractéristiques sont réduites de 1. Ainsi, un Élémentaire « 10 » recevant une blessure devient un Élémentaire « 9 », un Élémentaire « 9 » recevant trois blessures devient un « 6 ». Un Élémentaire « 1 » recevant une blessure est détruit.
4.Les Élémentaires sont des créatures magiques de la même manière que les démons, et comme les démons, ils ne peuvent être blessés que par des armes magiques. Les [Chill attacks] des vampires et des créature éthérées, et toutes les attaques des démons et des élémentaires comptent comme des attaques d'armes magiques.
5.Toutes les attaques d'un Élémentaire sont magiques, quelle que soit les armes qu'il utilise (la plupart n'utilisent pas d'armes). Les attaques d'un Elémentaire sont pleinement efficaces contre les créatures ne pouvant être affectées que par des armes magiques, comme les créatures éthérées, les démons et autre Elémentaires. Aucune sauvegarde d'armure n'est permise pour les attaques d'un Élémentaire.
6.Les Élémentaires sont soumis à l'instabilité.
7.Les Élémentaires ne sont pas des créatures vivantes ordinaires, ils ne sont pas affectés par les effets psychologiques, même pas ceux causés par un démon ou un Dieu.


M CC CT F E B I A Cd Int Cl FM10

10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Élémentaires d'Air

Les Élémentaires d'Air sont invisibles ou prennent la forme d'un tourbillon de brume ou de nuages.

Règles Spéciales

1.Les Élémentaires d'Air ne peuvent se déplacer qu'à travers l'air. Ils le font à leur mouvement normal et non pas en volant. Ils peuvent se déplacer et attaquer tout ce qui est exposé à l'air, dont les créatures volantes. Ils n'ont pas de pénalités de mouvement.
2.Un Élémentaire d'Air ne peut pas se déplacer à travers une barrière solide d'éléments autres que l'air. Il peut passer par dessus ou à côté. Il ne peut pas se déplacer à travers la terre ou sous l'eau.
3.Les Élémentaires d'Air de taille 5 ou plus peuvent lancer un sort de Rafale de Vent par tour. Le sort réussit toujours et ne coûte aucun points de magie.

Élémentaires de Terre

Les Élémentaires de Terre ressemblent à des géants de pierre, souvent avec des mousses et lichens poussant sur leurs corps de pierre.

Règles Spéciales

1.Les Élémentaires de Terre peuvent se déplacer à travers tout objet solide comme s'il n'était pas là, dont les fortifications, les bâtiments et les murs de pierre. Ils peuvent bouger à travers le sol s'ils le veulent, et peuvent ainsi se déplacer sous terre sur le champ de bataille, apparaissant soudainement et par surprise derrière l'ennemi ou dans une forteresse. Les mouvements souterrains doivent être supervisés et notés par le MJ. Ils ne souffrent d'aucunes pénalités de mouvement.
2.Un Élémentaire de Terre ne peut pas traverser une barrière composée d'un élément autre que la terre. Un Élémentaire de Terre ne peut pas se déplacer dans les airs, par exemple – une partie de lui doit toujours rester en contact avec le sol ou un bâtiment. Les courants et rivières peuvent être traversés en marchant au fond ou en dessous.
3.Les Élémentaires de Terre de taille 5 ou plus peuvent lancer un sort d'Assaut de Pierre par tour. Le sort réussit toujours et ne coûte aucun points de magie.

Élémentaires de Feu

Les Élémentaires de Feu sont de grands humanoïdes enveloppés de flammes.

Règles Spéciales

1.Les Élémentaires de Feu peuvent se déplacer librement sur la table et ne souffrent pas de pénalités de mouvement. Ils se déplacent le long de la frontière entre l'air et la terre, et peuvent se déplacer sur la surface des bâtiments, des murs, etc. Ils ne peuvent pas entrer dans le sol (comme les Élémentaires de Terre) ou dans l'air (comme les Élémentaires d'Air).
2.Un Élémentaire de Feu ne peut pas traverser une barrière d'un autre élément. Il ne peut pas traverser des objets solides ou de l'eau. Il peut s'infiltrer dans des bâtiments non-hermétiques à une vitesse normale.
3.La pluie détruit automatiquement un Élémentaire de Feu.
4.Les Élémentaires de Feu mettent automatiquement le feu aux cibles inflammables s'ils infligent des dommages. Ils mettent automatiquement le feu aux décors inflammable en passant dessus.
5.Les Élémentaires de Feu de taille 5 ou plus peuvent lancer un sort de Boule de Feu par tour. Le sort réussit toujours et ne coûte aucun points de magie.

Élémentaire d'Eau

Les Élémentaires d'Eau sont aqueux. Ils peuvent être humanoïdes ou prendre la forme d'une vague, d'une trombe d'eau ou d'une pluie d'orage.

Règles Spéciales

1.Les Élémentaires d'Eau peuvent se déplacer librement sur la table, sans pénalités ou restrictions sauf celles données ici. Ils peuvent se déplacer sur la frontière entre l'air et la terre (comme les Élémentaires de Feu) mais ne peuvent pas entrer dans le sol ou l'air. Ils peuvent se déplacer dans l'eau sous toutes ses formes, sur et dans l'eau, dont les rivières souterraines et égouts.
2.Les Élémentaires d'Eau ne peuvent pas traverser une barrière de feu, ou une barrière solide comme un mur.
3.Les Élémentaires d'Eau de taille 5 ou plus peuvent lancer un sort d'Éclair par tour. Le sort réussit toujours et ne coûte aucun points de magie.



Les élémentaires sont des manifestations matérielles d'êtres éthérées associés aux quatre Domaines Élémentaires du monde de Warhammer : le feu, l'air, l'eau et la terre. Les élémentaires sont les principes actifs de la substance matérielle. Sans les élémentaires, le feu, l'air, l'eau et la terre seraient statiques et immobiles pour l'éternité. Ainsi, tous les processus naturels s'arrêteraient, et le Monde de Warhammer serait stérile et dénué de vie.

Les créatures élémentaires sont bien connues dans le Vieux Monde, sous le nom d'esprits élémentaires, d'élémentaux ou d'esprit. Des sorciers parlent aussi d'eux comme des démons de la Foi Antique quoique le terme de démon n'est pas techniquement adapté en l'occurence. De plus, comme le terme "démon" est connoté négativement, il est habituellement évité ailleurs que dans les discussions scolaires.

Elementals of the Domain of Air are called aeronomes, or air sprites. Aeronomes are impulsive, playful, and easily-distracted, swift in action and wit, and generally benign in dealing with men, but their flighty behavior makes them frustrating and unreliable servants.

Elementals of the Domain of Water are called hydronomes, or water sprites. Hydronomes are sensible, steady and deliberate in personality, and usually faithful and reliable in service, though they are on occasion cruel and dispassionately violent in dealing with men.

Elementals of the Domain of Fire are called pyronomes, or fire sprites. Pyronomes vary from mischievous to malevolent in disposition, quick and shrewd in wit, but deceitful and unpredictable in service. Unfortunately, their energetic and imaginative enthusiasm for destructive activities suit them well for military application.

Elementals of the Domain of Earth are called geonomes, or earth sprites. Geonomes are the most faithful and reliable of elemental servants, strong and durable, but slow in thought and action.

There are five major classifications of elemental beings: elemental nodes, least elementals (also known as elemental servants), lesser elementals, greater elementals, and wisentlich (also known as elemental rulers). All may be summoned by sorcerors according to the elemental pacts. See below for detailed descriptions of each of these major classifications of elementals. See Chapter 6: Forms and Summonings, page ??, for rules concerning summoning elementals. See the summon elemental node, summon least elemental, summon lesser elemental, summon greater elemental, and summon wisentlich rituals for castings which summon elementals.

The Essential Nature of Elemental Sprites

The Sprites of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water are magickal beings of the Aethyr, as are the daemons magickal beings of the Void. However, as daemons are manifestations of the Principles of Chaos, elemental sprites are manifestations of the Principles of Nature.

The Principles of Chaos are reflections of the minds and spirits of the Higher Consciousness tainted by Chaos, as represented by the soul essences of the Elder Races: the civilized Slann, Elf, Dwarf, and Human races, for example. The Principles of Nature, on the other hand, are reflections of Higher Consciousness untouched by Chaos, represented by the more primal soul essences of plants, animals, and the ancestral cultures of the humanoid races.

Sprites and the Earth Mother

Elemental sprites are also known to as “The Children of the Earth” and “Servants of the Earth Mother”. Whether this is meant to be taken literally is unclear from existing evidences of divine and scholarly texts. Sorcerous tradition holds that the elemental sprites are subsidiary daemons of the Earth Mother, in much the same way that Bloodletters and Fleshhounds are subsidiary daemons of the Chaos God Khorne. Druidic teaching deny this, asserting that elemental sprites are independent entities, while simultaneously insisting that the elemental sprites were literally born as the children of the Earth Mother. Regardless of the exact doctrinal position one takes on this matter, there is clearly a close but undefinable relationship between the Earth Mother and the elemental sprites.

Origins of the Elemental Sprites

As daemons and gods are theorized to have been created in the Warp by the coalescing elements of dead souls, so might the elemental sprites have been born as the collective expression of deceased spirits of the earth. However, elemental sprites are more closely akin to the Earth Mother, and take their forms and personalities from elemental manifestations, plants, animals, and ancestral humanoid beings that precede the influence of Chaos upon Warhammer World. Daemonic beings, by contrast, reflect the taint of Chaos in the minds of the higher mortal beings; as such, they are dream beings of potent, warped, and unnatural character.

The Elemental Pacts

In time before memory, the First Men worshipped elementals as gods. In this forgotten past, men and elementals bound themselves to the Elemental Pacts, agreements which determined the conditions under which men might call upon elementals for service. Since that time, sorcerors and priests of the Old Faith have summoned elementals to perform tasks in response to ritual payments of magickal power. These ancient Elemental Pacts are the foundations of the understandings between sorcerors, divine spellcasters, and elementals which permit ritual summonings.

Elemental Sprite Forms and Effigies

The variety of elemental sprite forms is infinite, as is the variety of daemonic forms. However, the most familiar elemental sprite forms are reflections of the cultures that summon them. Rune-inscribed effigies are essential trappings for ritual summonings, and the form summoned depends on the effigy used. For reliability and standardization, academic sorcerors work with a limited number of conventional forms. Hedgewizards may be more likely to employ unusual variants. Primitive divine conjurers may summon unique unconventional forms associated with their cult beliefs.

In form and personality sprites commonly reflect the beliefs and emotions of the spirits of the ancestral peoples from which the sprites’ natures are derived. As such, sprite forms are often either a stylized and dramatic manifestation of the elemental force itself (e.g., dust devil, waves, flames, or boulder), a totemic animal (e.g., fox, eagle, snake), a mythical beast or monster (e.g., unicorn, pegasus, dragon), or a heroic archetype of an ancestral humanoid culture (e.g., warrior, wise woman, shaman).

Though sprites are magickal beings, when summoned their forms are as substantial as natural beings of the Material Realm; that is, they are as solid and substantial as the casters who summon them. They cannot be harmed without magickal or True-Silvered weapons, however, because of the aethyrial component of their substance which gives them their magickal nature.

Elemental summoning rituals indicate the specific form a summoning is to take through the use of a clay or stone effigy. When the sprite appears in response to the summoning ritual, it inhabits and mimics the form represented by the effigy.

Conventional Elemental Forms: Most sorcerous and divine summoners of elemental sprites employ conventional forms in their summoning rituals, that is, they summon sprites from a relatively limited selection of traditional and reliable forms. The elemental forms described in this chapter are examples of these conventional forms. Use of conventional forms insures that a sprite of fairly predictable powers and personality will appear.

Unconventional Elemental Forms: Use of unconventional forms when summoning an elemental sprite risks failure of the ritual, or manifestation of an unformed, new-birthed elemental: typically a dangerous expedient, since new-birthed elementals often resemble Chaos daemons, and may in fact be Chaos-inspired beings.

Variant Sprite Forms: Players and gamemasters will probably want to design elemental forms to fit their own campaigns (and their miniatures collections). Players should discuss new forms they’d like to summon with the GM before they want to summon them, not during a game session. GMs should use the descriptions and profiles given here as guidelines for approving or disapproving new sprite forms. Special abilities should be limited in power; however, whenever a player requests a special ability that is short on game-mechanics power but long on dramatic color, it should be encouraged.

Summoning Unconventional Sprite Forms

If a sorceror wishes to summon an unconventional form of an elemental sprite, he must create an effigy to be used in the ritual.

First, the effigy must be created and inscribed with appropriate runes. Then the caster must attempt to summon an elemental using the unconventional form's effigy.

Test vs. Runecraft skill; a failed test indicates immediate failure of the ritual. If the Runecraft test is successful, use the following table to determine the outcome of the summoning:

Unconventional Form Success/Failure Chart (roll 1d100 and see below)
01-05: Success: Something similar to what was intended appears. (GM: Consider the player’s request for appropriate spirit and balance of power with other elementals summonable with the ritual. Scale down overly ambitious requests; reward modest and in-character requests with nice fringe benefits. Your guiding principles should be that greed and megalomania cloud the caster’s judgment and often result in mistakes and failures, while modest requests reflect cautious, prudent procedures which are more likely to succeed.)
06-10: Partial Success: something completely unsuitable but fairly innocuous appears.
11-95: Fortunate Failure: No summoning appears. (This is the standard result with unfamiliar magickal practices.)
96-00: Unfortunate Failure: Something absolutely horrible appears, usually the equivalent of a greater daemon.

Resummoning an Unconventional Form: Once an unconventional form has been successfully summoned once, the effigy and ritual will still require careful modifications before the summoning form becomes reliable. At the GM’s discretion, the next four times an unconventional form is summoned, test as described above. If any one of those tests is successful, the form may thereafter be summoned as with a conventional form. If none of the tests are successful, the first success was a fluke, or a generous gesture on the part of the rulers of an elemental domain, and the desired form can never become a conventional summoning form.

Conventional Effigies and Forms

Here are descriptions of the types of effigies employed as ritual trappings when summoning conventional sprite forms from the four Elemental Domains:

Aeronomes: Effigies must be shaped by hand-gestures and crafted objects moved through steam, mist, smoke, or color-tinted air. Common forms include insects, birds, clouds, dust devils, and humanoids with wings of avian or insectoidal design. Appearances are characterized by smooth, wispy, billowy textures in white, grey, and yellow colors.

Hydronomes: Effigies are vessels which contain the shape of the form to be summoned. Common forms are waves, octopi, seaweed, fish, turtles, whales, dolphins, and gilled-and-finned humanoids. Appearances are characterized by smooth textures with rounded bulbs and globes, with rhythmic or frothy wave forms in blues and greens with white highlights.

Pyronomes: Effigies are made of flammable material which are ignited during the ritual; sprites form in the burning images thus produced. Common forms are wildfire flames, vine creepers, land-predators/carnivores (lion, viper, wolf, thunder lizard), mythic beasts (dragon, basilisk, etc.), or flaming humanoid forms. Appearances are characterized by jagged, shimmering flame features in bright oranges, reds, and blacks

Geonomes: Effigies are in clay or stone. Common forms are wheels with arms, stout oaks, massive but gentle or omnivorous beasts (horse, bear, boar), or deliberate, slow giant humanoid forms. Appearances are characterized by soil-and-stone textures in earthy colors.

Abilities and Limitations of Elemental Sprites

Abilities: All elemental sprites have the following abilities, in addition to those listed in the specific descriptions below:

1. A magickal attack or a weapon forged or coated with True Silver is required to hit an elemental.
2. An elemental's attack is magickal, and therefore may affect beings which are only affected by magickal attacks.
3. Elementals sense magick and perceive spirit as natural abilities. These abilities work in the same way as the petty spells sense magick and perceive spirit, but elementals may exercise these abilities at will, without expending MP.
4. Elementals with other magickal abilities (i.e., abilities to cast spells, rituals, or to create other magickal effects) expend MP to produce those effects, just like sorcerors. They do not, however, require spell reagents, focuses, or other trappings of mortal spellcasters; the magickal effects are created as inherent abilities.
5. Elementals can communicate telepathically or empathically with their summoners as long as within in line of sight and within the caster’s BMP score in yards.

Limitations: Elemental sprites must remain in a sustaining environment with an adequate volume of substance associated with their elemental domain, or they rapidly weaken, losing the ability to manifest in the Material Realm. An elemental in complete isolation from a sustaining environment loses 1 Strength point for each round it is isolated. When its Strength is reduced to zero, its elemental consciousness fails, and its elemental substance returns to the aethyr. If returned to its sustaining environment, lost Strength returns at 1 point per round.

Sustaining environments for each of the elemental domains are:

Earth: ground, soil, stone
Air: air
Fire: flammable substances
Water: a substantial body of water

When reduced to zero wounds, elemental sprites lose their substantial manifestations and return to the aethyrial world (i.e., they disappear). They do not, however, “die” in a sense that mortals understand. They retain their consciousness and memories of events, though less intelligent sprites remember hardly more than an instinctive positive or negative feeling for familiar persons, locations, and events.

However, just because sprites don’t die doesn’t mean that they do not fear combat, pain, wounds, and the destruction of their manifested forms. Sprites feel pain just like normal creatures, and experience the destruction of their manifested forms with even more distress and horror than might mortal creatures, because they know from experience what it is like to “die”.

Therefore sprites do not enter combat without some fear and caution. Some more aggressive sprites, particularly fire sprites, actually enjoy combat and destruction, and are more willing to fight; other elementals are less enthusiastic about fighting, and dislike and distrust summoners who frequently send them into battles where they are sure to be badly wounded and slain.

Other Abilities and Limitations: Elementals may also have other abilities at the GM's discretion. If an ability is not explicitly listed here or in the descriptions below, that does not imply that the elemental cannot have that ability. Use common sense. For example, water elementals are not listed as extinguishing fires, because common sense dictates that water will extinguish fire.

Service Traits and Service Tests

Sprites of different elemental domains are more or less reliable as summoned servants. When a caster gives a summoned sprite a command, a Service Test must be made against the Faithful and Vengeful Traits of the sprite. (See Chapter 6: Forms and Summonings, “Service Tests”, page ??.)

Below are listed the Service Traits for each of the Elemental Domains:

Elemental Air: Faithful 10, Vengeful 4.

Elemental Fire: Faithful 7, Vengeful 10.

Elemental Water: Faithful 17, Vengeful 5.

Elemental Earth: Faithful 17, Vengeful 3.




Nodes are small coherences of elemental matter of approximately 1 cubic foot in volume. Typically roughly spherical in form when summoned, they may assume any shape at will, though other shapes are formed slowly and crudely, without detail or precision. Assuming a new shape takes more or less time, according to the sprite's domain. Nodes cannot wear armor or use weapons or other tools.

Nodes are about as stupid as pet cats, but much more obedient. Keeping more than one idea in mind at a time is very difficult, unless the ideas are very simple and very clearly defined. Individual nodes have relatively little personality; all nodes of a given elemental domain are similar in attitude and temperament.

If directed to move, attack, or perform tasks beyond the caster's control range (BMP yards), test each round vs. the caster’s WP. If successful, the node remains under control. If failed, the node disappears, returning to the Aethyrial Realm.

Individual nodes have relatively little personality; all nodes of a given elemental domain are similar in attitude and temperament. Nodes are relatively easy to control (+60 to WP for Control tests) and present little threat to a caster, even if uncontrolled.

Though relatively weak in combat, an attacking node is invulnerable to an opponent without magickal attacks or True-Silvered weapons, and therefore able to engage and delay an opponent, even if unable to cause the opponent serious harm. Nodes are incapable of speech, but understand simple commands of the summoner in Elemental Tongue. Their ability to move, attack, and perform simple tasks on command, combined with their enchanted nature, make them useful for a variety of improvised tasks (see examples below). The GM may require Intelligence tests (did the node understand the command?) and Will Power tests (was the caster persuasive?) at his discretion.

Aeronome Node


Restrictions: -2 modifier to damage.
Abilities: Assumes new shapes instantly. Fly as hoverers.
Attitude and Temperament: Impatient, impulsive, playful, and easily distracted. Unless a task is simple and clearly defined, aeronome nodes perform very quickly and very carelessly. Similar to a parakeet in personality.
Typical Applications: Produce light equivalent to a candle. Carry or crudely manipulate very light objects (i.e., messages, bits of cloth, etc. of Encumbrance 1 or less). Extinguish candles. Extinguish torch or lamp, 25%. Deflect 1 arrow or quarrel from target per round.
Sample Commands: “Blow the papers on the tariff-inspector’s desk into the water.” “Blow that wizard’s hair in his eyes so he can’t see us.” “Drive the smoke from the fire away from my face.” “Fly under that door and bring me all the little shiny bits of metal you can find.” “Fly into that window and return. When you return, if you sensed magick within the window, rustle the ivy leaves on the wall. If you perceived spirits within, blow gently in my left ear.”

Pyronome Node


Restrictions: May move only on caster, caster’s hand-held items, or on flammable materials. May be extinguished like a normal candle flame.
Abilities: Assumes new shapes instantly.
Attitude and Temperament: Mischievous and destructive. Inattentive to commands, perfunctory in completing tasks. Most useful when commanded to burn and destroy, which it enjoys. Least useful, petulant, and perverse when commanded to do something boring (“Heat my pot.”) or unpleasant and dangerous (“Light my pipe! Now! I don't care if its raining!”). In personality, most closely resembles a bad-tempered, poorly-trained pet monkey.
Typical Applications: Produce light equivalent to a candle. Causes damage as normal fire on flammable materials, and may ignite them (see “Fire”, WFRP, page 80). Extinguish candles. Extinguish torch or lamp, 25%.
Sample Commands: “Sit on the end of that arrow and burn. When the arrow slams into that roof, get off, run around, and set fire to as much as you can.” “Burn all the books and scrolls on that table.” “Go along that rope to the top. Do not burn through the rope until you reach the top! When you reach the top, then you can burn through the rope.”

Hydronome Node


Restrictions: When moving out of water, forms a thin sheet about 1 yard square in area with a Move of 3.
Abilities: Forms new shapes in 1d3 rounds.
Attitude and Temperament: Moderate and deliberate, not swift in response or comprehension, but steady in performance. Serves without resentment. Occasionally coolly violent and destructive. Most like a domestic horse or cow in personality.
Typical Applications: Out of water, carry or crudely manipulate light objects (i.e., torch, tankard of ale, etc. of Encumbrance 5 or less). In water, carry buoyant objects of Encumbrance 50 or less.
Sample Commands: “Fetch all glittering and shiny stones from the bottom of the brook.” “Carry this rope across the river and wrap the end of it around and around and around a large rock on the bank.” “Thrash these clothes about in this barrel, then drain all the water from them and toss them out of the barrel.”

Geonome Node


Abilities: +1 modifier to damage. Moves through solid materials at a Move of 1. Forms new shapes in 1d6+3 rounds.
Attitude and Temperament: Earnest and unexcitable. Slow to understand and react, but strong and persistent in completing tasks. Like a tortoise in speed, and a dog in faithfulness and goodwill.
Typical Applications: Carry or crudely manipulate small objects (i.e., lamp, cook pot, etc. of Encumbrance 20 or less). Forms simple objects (at caster’s direction, or by imitating an object) from earth or stone in 1d6 minutes.
Sample Commands: “Form a hook with a hole at the end large enough to run this rope through.” “Form yourself into an identical copy of this key.” “Travel into this stone wall and reform into hole big enough to put my hand through the wall.” “Travel down into the earth until you can no longer sense my presence (i.e., beyond BMP yards from the caster) and return. If you encounter an open area larger than yourself, return immediately.” (By timing the return, the caster can estimate the depth of any open chamber or passage under ground.)



Least Elementals are modest coherences of elemental matter no more than 1 cubic yard in volume. They usually assume the forms of small animals, but may also appear as miniature versions of natural phenomena (e.g., whirlwinds, flames, fountains, etc.). Servants cannot use armor, weapons, or tools.

Though not as plastic and adaptable as nodes, least elementals are fairly intelligent, can understand and speak Elemental Tongue, and can follow directions about as well as a well-trained, supernaturally-intelligent domestic animal. Note, for example, that least elementals are often as smart as dimwitted humans. They still tend to follow commands literally, however, and seldom show any initiative or imagination, except when presented with an undesirable task, when they may display some ingenuity in avoiding the task without directly refusing to complete it. The GM may require Intelligence tests (did the least elemental understand the command?) and Will Power tests (was the caster persuasive?) at his discretion.

If directed to move, attack, or perform tasks beyond the caster’s control range (BMP yards), test each round vs. the caster’s WP. If successful, the least elemental remains under control. If failed, the least elemental disappears, returning to the Aethyrial Realm.

Individual least elementals have more personality than nodes; though all least elementals of a given domain are similar in attitude and temperament, they vary in character about as much as do domestic animals. Least elementals are fairly tractable (+40 to WP for Control tests), but least pyronomes and geonomes in particular may present some threat to a caster if not controlled.

Least Aeronome

Dust Devil form: A small, whirling tornado funnel. Swift, aggressive fighter. Reckless and carelessly destructive. Fly as hoverer.


Crow form: A black, yellow-billed bird about 12-18 inches tall. Mimics human speech. Manipulates objects well with beak and claws. Fly as swooper.


Restrictions: -2 modifier to damage.
Attitude and Temperament: Less playful and distractible than nodes, more likely to concentrate on a task and use some ingenuity when presented with unforeseen difficulties. Quirky and temperamental at times, often rude and disrespectful. Similar to a parrot or trained raven in personality.
Typical Applications: Produce light equivalent to a lantern. Carry or crudely manipulate light objects (i.e., torch, tankard of ale, etc. of Encumbrance 5 or less). Retrieve remote objects. Distract and confuse opponents in melee. Scout for living beings or magickal emanations.
Sample Commands: “Dust Devil, gather a burden of sand and whirl it in that spellcaster’s face.” (Hoping to blind the caster or spoil his spell.) “Dust Devil, sweep the censers from that pentagram and bring them to me.” “Crow, fetch me that aromatic, fresh-baked bread from the palace window.” “Crow, carry this glass vial and drop it on the stones next to the tall gentleman with the fire-red hat.” (A message? An alchemical compound?)

Least Pyronome

Wildfire form: A spider-like mass of flame with numerous limbs of fire extending on all sides. Indiscriminately destructive. Gets carried away and forgets commands.


Fire Newt form: A large salamander with glowing red skin like a hot coal. More slow and deliberate in following commands than most pyronomes, but often sullen and unresponsive.


Restrictions: May move only on caster, caster’s hand-held items, or on flammable materials. May be extinguished like a normal torch.
Attitude and Temperament: Clever and energetic, enthusiastic when spreading fires. More reliable than nodes, but nastier in its pranks and subtle treacheries. In personality, most closely resembles a perversely intelligent attack dog.
Typical Applications: Produce light equivalent to a lantern. Carry or crudely manipulate light non-flammable objects (i.e., plates, tankard of ale, weapons, etc. of Encumbrance 5 or less). Causes damage as normal fire on flammable materials, and may ignite them (see “Fire”, WFRP, page 80). Extinguish torch or lamp.
Sample Commands: “Wildfire, attack that man. Try to ignite his shield or cloak, or burn exposed flesh if you can't reach the shield or cloak.” “Wildfire, run up that tree trunk and along that branch to the window of that house; do not set fire to the tree or branch! Just keep moving. Then, enter the window and start as many small fires as you can.” “Fire Newt, heat my crucible; I’ll tell you exactly how I want the temperature raised and lowered as the reagents heat and combine…” “Fire Newt, sit on my hand — DON'T BURN MY HAND, STUPID! — and when I hit that fellow, set his beard on fire.”

Least Hydronome

Fountain form: An upwelling of water which can turn at will into a geyser of water spurting upward in a column from a body of water. Can project streams of water as an improvised melee or missile weapon. Pumps one gallon of water per round.


Octopus form: A transparent, eight-legged octopus form. Invisible in water. In unarmed (heh heh) combat, suffers no -2 to damage or -20 to WS, and grapples as with the Wrestling skill.


Restrictions: Out of water, Move is reduced to 3.
Attitude and Temperament: Steady and reliable. Tenacious in combat. As patient and resourceful as a sheepdog, and almost as faithful, with occasional fits of uncooperative independence.
Typical Applications: Out of water, carry or crudely manipulate small objects (i.e., shield, small animal, large book, etc. of Encumbrance 40 or less). In water, carry buoyant objects of Encumbrance 400 or less.
Sample Commands: “Fountain, douse that fire!” “Fountain, pump the contents of that pool out through that window.” (If it’s a small window, a lot will end up on the floor.) “Octopus, drag that man from the wharf and hold him underwater until I signal you to stop.” (Remember: elementals are in telepathic communication with their summoners.) “Octopus, swim underwater to that boat and push the tiller… ah, that long piece of wood leading into the water there, and wide and flat in the water… as hard as you can away from this side of the river.”

Least Geonome

Badger form: Fairly-large burrowing mammal with sharp claws and a tenacious disposition. Quiet, sensible. Excavates 1 cubic yard of earth or stone per minute.


Wolverine form: Fairly large omnivorous four-legged mammal, very aggressive, with a terrible temper. Subject to Frenzy. Not a willing servant, proud, impatient, and uncooperative.


Abilities: +1 modifier to damage. Moves through solid materials at a Move of 1.
Attitude and Temperament: Generally cooperative and reliable (the Wolverine form being a notable exception). Sometimes headstrong, insistent on doing things their own way, but otherwise earnest servants. Like a large, even-tempered dog in temperament, but aggressive and dangerous in combat.
Typical Applications: Carry or crudely manipulate small objects (Encumbrance 200 or less). Scout, attack, and retrieve through solid obstacles. Undermine building foundation, search for secret passages or underground structures.
Sample Commands: “Badger, move through the rock at this point in the door. When you emerge on the other side, take the piece of wood you find there, push it onto the floor, and return.” (Unbar the door.) “Badger, dig me a tunnel through the earth. Make sure the tunnel won’t cave in, because I'm going to crawl through it.” “Wolverine, stay here outside this door. If any living thing, or any non-living thing that moves like a living thing, enters this hall, attack it, and make as much noise as you can, so I can hear and escape.” “Wolverine, wait here in this pile of trash. If anything follows me down this alley, kill it.” (An expendable rear guard to delay pursuit.)



Les élémentaires mineurs sont des agglomérats de matière élémentaire de taille humaine et plus grands d'un volume inférieur à 2 yards cube [1,5 m³]. Les élémentaires mineurs peuvent utiliser des armures, des armes et des outils pourvu qu'ils aient des appendices humanoïdes ou un équivalent (voir ci-dessous).

With their multiple attacks, greater strength and toughness, and respectable combat proficiency, lesser elementals are dangerous opponents. Some lesser elementals are comparable to apprentice sorcerors and initiates in intelligence, and are competent spellcasters; others are not so mentally endowed. Lesser elementals can understand and speak Elemental Tongue and often one or two human languages. They may display ingenuity and imagination in interpreting the summoner’s requests, both in accomplishing an appealing request, and in perverting the intent of an unappealing request.

If directed to move, attack, or perform tasks beyond the caster’s control range (BMP yards), test each round vs. the caster’s WP. If successful, the lesser elemental remains under control. If failed, the lesser elemental disappears, returning to the Aethyrial Realm.

Lesser elementals have distinct individual personalities, just like humanoids; though all lesser elementals of a given domain are similar in attitude and temperament, they vary greatly in temperament and character. Lesser elementals present a considerable risk of resisting control when summoned (+30 to WP for Control tests), and present a serious threat to a caster if not controlled.

Lesser Aeronome

Wind Eagle form: Giant eagles with high intelligence and man-like manipulative ability with beak and claws. Will use hand weapons and tools, but no armor. Drop stones like improvised missiles. Fly as swooper. Suitable as mounts for unencumbered, unarmored humanoids. Cannot fight as a mount. Cast blinding light, magick light, muffle sound, and wildwind spells.


Mist Mare form: Winged horses like pegasi with modest intelligence but no manipulative appendages. Fly as swooper. Suitable as mounts for encumbered and armored humanoids. Used as a mount, can make two stomp/kick attacks per round. Cast wildwind and mystic mist spells.


Restrictions: None.
Attitude and Temperament: Far less playful and distractible than nodes and least aeronome, but more proud, independent, and temperamental. If treated with respect and consideration, usually cooperative servants; if enlisted in a cause (typically the protection of the natural world and its creatures, especially against Chaos, daemons, and the undead), fervent and ingenious allies. Similar to a skilled humanoid hireling or companion in personality: that is, personalities vary greatly.
Typical Applications: Produce light equivalent to a powerful lantern (double radius of light). Carry or manipulate small objects (i.e., shield, small animal, large book, etc. of Encumbrance 40 or less). Extinguish torch or lamp. Serve as mounts and fighting allies.
Sample Commands: “Honored Father of the Wind, bear me across this town at twice tree height. If your keen eyes note a Halfling with a red cap and a great brass horn, signal me; I wish to find and greet this fellow.” “Honored Father of the Wind, scout the camp of my enemy and note the disposition of his forces, his guards, his provisions, his strongpoints. Fly at ten tree heights to avoid his sentries arrows, and flee if you find yourself opposed.” “Noble Steed, bear my companion into battle against yon giant. Blind the giant with your mists, and maneuver this warrior so he may belabor the great brute from the rear.”

Lesser Pyronome

Hell Hound form: A deerhound-sized war dog wreathed in glowing incandescent gases with modest intelligence but no manipulative appendages. Suitable as mounts for unencumbered and unarmored humanoids protected by the resist fire spell. Used as a mount, can make two claw attacks per round. All attacks are made as with the hand of fire spell.


Winged Fire Serpent form: Giant winged snakes resembling wyverns without legs, with high intelligence and man-like manipulative ability with beak and claws. Will use hand weapons and tools, but no armor. Drop stones like improvised missiles. Fly as swooper. Suitable as mounts for unencumbered, unarmored humanoids protected by the resist fire spell. Cannot fight as a mount. Cast fireball (as a first level War Wizard), hand of fire, fireflare, and resist fire spells.


Restrictions: Is surrounded by an envelope of flammable gas, and may move without restriction in non-flammable environments for 1d6+6 minutes before suffering strength loss form isolation from sustaining environment. May not be extinguished except by magickal means.
Attitude and Temperament: Sinister and cruel. Intelligent, shrewd, enjoys exercising powers, destroying things, and terrorizing mortals. Contemptuous of tender-hearted and noble sentiments, sly and conspiratorial with summoners of similar temperament. Similar to a skilled humanoid hireling or companion with cruel, violent tendencies.
Typical Applications: Produce light equivalent to a lantern. Carry or manipulate small non-flammable objects (i.e., metal shield, weapon, etc. of Encumbrance 40 or less). Causes damage as normal fire on flammable materials, and may ignite them (see “Fire”, WFRP, page 80). Extinguish torch or lamp. Serve as mounts or fighting allies.
Sample Commands: “Hell Hound, attack any living beings which enter this hallway except those which wear magickal amulets with my mark.” “Hell Hound, search the castle for intruders. Attack and torture any you find, but leave them alive. If the intruders bear magickal devices, do not attack! Return and summon me immediately.” “Winged Fire Serpent, circle behind the attacking orcs and cast 4 fireballs at them, then cast hand of fire on yourself and attack the leader in the helmet with the magickal sword.” “Winged Fire Serpent, cast hand of fire on each of my companions, then on yourself, and join us in attacking these zombies.”

Lesser Hydronome

Dolphin form: Large sea mammals with high intelligence but no manipulative appendages. Cannot use hand weapons, tools, or armor. Superb swimmers and aquatic acrobats. Cannot leave water. Suitable as mounts for unencumbered, unarmored humanoids. Cannot fight as a mount. Cast breathe under water, waterwalk, distract elemental, extinguish fire, resist cold, smother, and waterward spells.


Hydra form: Similar to Chaos hydras, but smaller (maximum of 8 feet long), exclusively with water-serpent bodies and multiple serpent necks and heads. Exceptionally violent and aggressive for hydronomes. Modest intelligence, no manipulative appendages. Cannot use hand weapons, tools, or armor. Out of water, move is reduced to 2. Not suitable as mounts.


Restrictions: May move out of contact with water for 1d6+6 rounds before losing Strength from isolation from a sustaining environment.
Attitude and Temperament: Steady and reliable, tenacious in combat, resourceful in problem solving. Avoid violence and confrontation (hydras are an exception). Usually friendly and cooperative, forgiving and patient, though dangerous when angered. Sympathetic and protective of natural world and defenseless creatures. Like friendly, loyal hirelings or companions in personality: that is, personalities vary widely.
Typical Applications: Out of water, carry or manipulate medium-sized objects (i.e., small human, full chest, table, etc. of Encumbrance 200 or less). In water, propel buoyant objects of Encumbrance 2000 or less. Serve as mounts or fighting allies.
Sample Commands: “Brother Fin, cast a breathe water spell upon me, please, then bear me beneath the sea in pursuit of that vessel. Take care not to be seen by the passengers, and deliver me to a point where I can board unobserved.” “Brother Fin, swim down to the docks and find the sailing ship Pride of Marienbad. Cast loose her moorings and disable her rudder: jam it with bits of debris, or use your imagination.” “Seventh-Head of the Serpent, pick me a passable path through this marsh. Be alert for any living creatures which might harm me.” “Seventh Head of the Serpent, cross the river, and attack any creatures which are hiding in the bushes along the bank. Return to the water the moment you feel yourself weakening, then return to the attack when you are restored.”

Lesser Geonome

Great Bear form: A very large cinnamon-colored bear, intelligent, with some manipulative skill with its paws. Can use weapons, tools, and armor. Use as mounts for encumbered and armored humanoids is possible but discouraged, since the creature is slow and cannot fight with a rider, but mostly because they do not like riders, but can carry prodigious loads at need. Cast burrow spell. Pleasant and peaceful disposition, fierce when angered.


Elder Troll form: The ancestral troll race, now extinct, before it became tainted and corrupted by Chaos. Flesh is similar in composition and texture to stone. Can digest earth and stone. Slow-witted and primitive, but peaceable, deliberate, and noble. Unsuitable as a mount, but can carry prodigious loads. Use only simple weapons and tools, no armor. Throw stones as improvised weapons with +2 damage for large size of stones. Cast assault of stone, burrow, and shatter elemental bonds.


Abilities: +1 modifier to damage. Moves through solid materials at a Move of 1.
Attitude and Temperament: Placid, cooperative, friendly, but wary of insult or abuse. Confident and easy-going, restrained or playful in combat unless injured or threatened, then ferocious. Never subtle, clever, or witty; neither employ nor appreciate irony or dishonesty. Like friendly warrior companions or hirelings with excessive confidence in their strength and durability.
Typical Applications: Carry or crudely manipulate medium-sized objects (i.e., small boat, pair of characters with their gear, etc. of Encumbrance 1000 or less). Serve as bearers of burdens or as fighting allies.
Sample Commands: “Father Bear, demolish that cell door, taking care not to damage the occupant.” “Father Bear, help us gather large stones and small tree trunks to build a defensive barrier.” “Father Troll, pelt those rude goblins with stones. No, you may throw them yourself, you don’t need to use magick.” “Father Troll, merge with the rock of this wall, and wait until the horsemen behind us have passed you, then emerge from the wall and attack them from the rear.”



Greater elementals are humanoid, man-sized or giant-sized coherences of elemental matter no more than 6 cubic yards in volume. Greater elementals may assume other shapes at will, but prefer to manifest in the forms described below. Greater elementals can use armor, weapons, and tools.

At once heroic fighters and master spellcasters, greater elementals are among the most terrible beings of Warhammer World. Only the great dragons, legendary Elven warriors and sorcerors, divine heroes, and daemons may challenge them as equals. Any elementalist who has lived long enough to learn to summon a greater elemental is wise enough to present himself as a humble petitioner, not a commanding summoner. Greater elementals may agree to serve lesser mortals, but only when it suits their own purposes.

Greater elementals have the ability to identify and report the presence of substances and phenomena appropriate to their domain, for example, a greater hydronome can indicate the distance and direction to the nearest large body of water or significant supply of ale. They can also identify the composition of a substance in their own domain with great accuracy, a service of special interest to alchemists.

If directed to move, attack, or perform tasks beyond the caster’s control range (BMP yards), test each round vs. the caster’s WP. If successful, the greater elemental remains under control. If failed, the greater elemental disappears, returning to the Aethyrial Realm.

Greater elementals have distinct and, by humanoid standards, often bizarre and eccentric personalities, just like the often bizarre and eccentric personalities of the wizards who summon them. Though all greater elementals of a given domain are somewhat similar in attitude and temperament, they vary greatly in temperament and character. Greater elementals often resist control when summoned (+10 to WP for Control tests), and present a mortal threat to a caster if not controlled.

Greater Aeronome

Sylph form: A winged humanoid, typically assuming the features of a beautiful maiden of the summoner’s race. May appear armed, armored, and equipped as it chooses, typically as a lightly armored warrior with shield and long bow. Fly as swooper. Cast banish lesser elemental, blinding light, darken reflection, distract elemental, dust storm, favorable winds, flight minor, lightning, magick light, muffle sound, mystic mist, reproduce sound, wildwind, and winddeflection spells. Cast summon elemental node, summon least elemental, and lesser elemental rituals as spells (i.e., in one round, without preparation and trappings), but may summon only air sprites.


Restrictions: none.
Attitude and Temperament: Aristocratic, accustomed to giving orders, not to taking them. Patronizing and condescending to mortals, but cooperative if treated with deference and respect. Spiteful and malicious if offended… and are easily offended. Personalities vary greatly, as with mortals.
Typical Applications: Produce light equivalent to sunlight. Carry or manipulate medium-sized objects (i.e., small human, full chest, table, etc. of Encumbrance 200 or less). Extinguish any normal fire. Deflect all missiles from target each round. Serve as fighting allies.
Sample Commands: “Beg pardon, Excellency, but we are desperately set upon by thieves and scoundrels. Please aid us in defending ourselves and teaching the blackguards a lesson in manners.” “A thousand pardons for disturbing you, my Lord, but we are about to enter the sacred precincts of an ancient ruin, and we thought we might greatly benefit from your wise counsel and manifold talents as we attempt to fathom its mysteries.”

Greater Pyronome

Salamander form: A red-skinned humanoid, wreathed in incandescent gases, typically assuming either the features of a handsome middle-aged male of the summoner's race, or the features of a humanoid salamander. May appear armed, armored, and equipped as it chooses, typically as a warrior armored in black plate with shield and flaming sword. All attacks are as with the hand of fire spell. Cast banish lesser elemental, distract elemental, extinguish fire, fireball (as 2nd level caster), fireflare, hand of fire, and resist fire spells. Cast summon elemental node, summon least elemental, and lesser elemental rituals as spells (i.e., in one round, without preparation and trappings), but may summon only fire sprites.


Restrictions: Is surrounded by an envelope of flammable gas, and may move without restriction in non-flammable environments for 1d6+6 minutes before suffering strength loss form isolation from sustaining environment. May not be extinguished except by magickal means.
Attitude and Temperament: Subtle, sophisticated, aristocratic, manipulative. Conceals personal feeling under a mask of good will and cooperation. Extremely treacherous and vindictive. Only happy when inflicting pain and destruction, and only trustworthy when happy. Effusive flattery, praise, and persuasion are necessary when requesting service. Personalities vary greatly, as with mortals, but generally resentful of summoners and contemptuous of weak mortals and fragile, subtle arts.
Typical Applications: Produce light equivalent to a great lantern (double radius of effect). Carry or manipulate medium-sized objects (i.e., small human, full chest, table, etc. of Encumbrance 200 or less). Causes damage as normal fire on flammable materials, and may ignite them (see “Fire”, WFRP, page 80). Extinguish any normal fire. Serve as fighting allies.
Sample Commands: “Lord Fire, I beg your indulgence, but these fools seem to doubt the might of your domain. Perhaps a sample of your personal attentions will convince them that it is unwise to oppose the servants of your realm.” “Lord Fire, I hardly know where to begin. Look about at these fields of tinderbox weeds, these huts with thatched roofs, the flimsy palisade walls of our enemies. I beg you, do as you see fit, and I shall follow in your path, quick to serve you in your righteous wrath.”

Greater Hydronome

Undine form: A blue- or white-skinned humanoid, either with human limbs, or with a scaled, finned lower torso and tail, typically assuming the features of an exquisitely beautiful female of the summoner’s race. May appear armed, armor, and equipped as it chooses, typically clad in a revealing garment and armed with a sword and shield. Cast banish lesser elemental, breathe underwater, distract elemental, extinguish fire, resist cold, smother, waterwalk and waterward spells. Cast summon elemental node, summon least elemental, and lesser elemental rituals as spells (i.e., in one round, without preparation and trappings), but may summon only water sprites.


Restrictions: May move out of contact with water for 1d6+6 rounds before losing Strength from isolation from a sustaining environment. Out of water, move is reduced to 3.
Abilities: +1 modifier to damage.
Attitude and Temperament: Aristocratic, formal, but pleasant and cooperative, forgiving and patient, slow to take offense, though dangerous when angered. Sympathetic and protective of natural world and defenseless creatures. Personalities vary greatly, as with mortals.
Typical Applications: Out of water, carry or crudely manipulate medium-sized objects (i.e., small boat, pair of characters with their gear, etc. of Encumbrance 1000 or less). In water, propel buoyant objects of Encumbrance 10, 000 or less. Serve as fighting allies.
Sample Commands: “Lady of the Waters, our ship is in danger of foundering on the rocks in this storm. Could you please guide her through the rocks to the beach beyond, or help us in some other way you think wiser?” “A great kraken has taken refuge in a sea cave below. We must enter that cave. Can you assist us in slaying the kraken, or driving it from the cave, or finding us a way past the kraken, whichever you think is best?”

Greater Geonome

Gnome form: A giant-sized humanoid with flesh of stone-like texture, color, and durability, typically assuming the features of an aged, ugly male of the summoner's race. May appear armed, armored, and equipped as it chooses, typically clad in earth-colored plate armor and armed with a hammer and shield. Cast assault of stone, banish lesser elemental, burrow, distract elemental, and shatter elemental bonds spells. Cast summon elemental node, summon least elemental, and lesser elemental rituals as spells (i.e., in one round, without preparation and trappings), but may summon only earth sprites.


Abilities: +2 modifier to damage. Moves through solid materials at a Move of 1.
Attitude and Temperament: Trusting, confident and easy-going, slow to anger. Friendly and cooperative, practical and informal. Personalities vary greatly, as with mortals.
Typical Applications: Carry or crudely manipulate very large objects (i.e., small party with their gear, cart and horses, small bridge or other structure, etc. of Encumbrance 5000 or less). Forms objects with great precision (at caster’s direction, or by imitating an object) from earth or stone in 1d6 minutes. Serve as fighting allies.
Sample Commands: “My friend Gnome, I need assistance in selecting and transporting some stones for the foundation of my castle. Could you summon some of your fellow geonomes and aid me with this task?” “My friend Gnome, we seem to be trapped in this cavern by a horde of Skaven. Could you assist us in fighting our way out, or can you suggest a method by which we could bypass them and escape?” “My friend Gnome, the entrance of this tomb appears to be buried by a rockfall. Could you assist us in making our way through the rockfall, and keep it from collapsing and burying us while we take a look inside?”


WISENTLICH (Elemental Rulers)

Wisentlich are humanoid, man-sized, or giant-sized coherences of elemental matter. They may alter their size and volume at will by summoning elemental matter from the Material Realm; their forms may be as small as mice, or as large as giants. Wisentlich may assume other shapes at will, but prefer to manifest in the forms described below. Wisentlich can use armor, weapons, and tools.

Wisentlich are the equivalent of minor godlings or greater daemons. They may not be commanded to serve. One who summons a wisentlich may petition the wisentlich for a favor. Wisentlich have vast though ultimately limited magickal powers, and can able to grant many favors a mortal could scarcely imagine. In fact, however, wisentlich prefer to decline to grant most favors, usually on the grounds that mortals ought not be accorded the powers given by right to the rulers of the elemental domains, both because mortals have not earned these powers, and because they are not wise enough to use these powers properly.

Though individual wisentlich of a given domain are similar in attitude and temperament, they vary greatly in temperament and character. Greater elementals usually resist control when summoned (-30 to WP for Control tests), and present a mortal threat to the caster, his companions, and neighboring population centers if not controlled.

Wisentlichs of Air, Fire, Water, or Earth

Wisentlich forms: Forms are similar to those of greater elementals, though typically marked by royal dress and trappings rather than by trappings of war. Wisentlich may cast any elemental spells as if they were 4th Level Elementalists. Wisentlich may cast summon elemental node, summon least elemental, summon lesser elemental, summon greater elemental, and summon wisentlich rituals as spells (i.e., in one round, without preparation and trappings), and may summon sprites of any elemental domain. (Note that since wisentlich can cast the summon wisentlich ritual in reverse in a single round, thereby canceling their summons, they are not required to remain in the Material Realm when summoned unless they choose to remain.)

10 65 50 7 5 40 20 25 0 50 50 80 70 40 20

Abilities: +6 modifier to damage. Move through any substance without penalty or restriction.

Attitude and Temperament: Just like you’d expect a god to be. Often puzzled and bewildered by a summons, as if they can’t believe something like a mortal would be stupid and rude enough to bother them. If annoyed, they swat mortals like flies. If interested, amused, or skillfully persuaded, they are briefly patient, and occasionally generous.

Typical Applications: Sane spellcasters only summon wisentlich for two reasons:

1. to obtain permission to use the bind elemental servant and command least elementals spells, or

2. to request aid against opponents with similar or greater powers than wisentlichs (i.e., greater daemons and godlings).

Insane spellcasters may summon wisentlich for a variety of reasons, usually to obtain knowledge, power, or service beyond that which is obtainable by safer, more reliable methods. Those who survive the experience may learn caution by it, though most continue the attempt until it kills them.

GM Note: PCs who summon wisentlich better be sane spellcasters; otherwise, the best they should hope for is to survive being refused their favor. At worst, they should expect to be slain by the equivalent of a minor god: a flashy way to go, admittedly, if that's what they have in mind.

Sample Petitions: “Oh most puissant ruler of the air and sky, gracious and generous benefactor, source of the very air that all things breathe, we who live and die by your will must desperately plead for your aid. The foul breath of Chaos lies upon the land. The creatures of the earth are threatened everywhere by daemons, beastmen, and mutants. Please grant me, your faithful servant, the power to call upon the citizens of your realm, through the agency of the command least elementals spell, to aid me in battle against these evil forces.” “Dear Lord of the Sea, I’m here all alone on this boat and that filthy rat Hadrast of the Rivers of Blood has sent a greater daemon after me. If you don’t help me out, there’s going to be one less good and faithful Elementalist Rank 4th in the world, and one very happy daemonologist who’s likely to get into all sorts of mischief if I’m not around to keep him honest. Oh, please, please, please, I’ve only bothered you once before, just about that command least elementals spell, and you were ever so nice about that, oh, please, please, please, won’t you help me out, just this once, I promise I’ll never bother you again…”


[WD107 p45]


Les Wisentlich sont des créatures magiques de substance élémentale, avec des pouvoirs et une intelligence comparable à un sorcier de Niveau 3. Ils ont des pouvoirs magiques comparables à des sorts élémentaux, de Niveaux 1-3, et peuvent avoir d’autres sorts spéciaux appropriés pour leur élément, à la discrétion du MJ (Un exemple de ces capacités magiques est que Iz-Zat peut lancer ses bras sur Diehl et Udo, comparable à un Assaut de Pierres en puissance, mais plus original). Pour les sorts de Invocation d’un Elémentaire, les Wisentlich n’échouent leur test de Force Mentale que sur un 00.

Profil d’un Wisentlich

M CC CT F E B I A Dex Cd Int Cl FM Soc

6 60 60 6 6 60 60 6 60 60 60 60 60 60

Pourquoi Diehl se risquerait-il à invoquer quelque chose d’aussi puissant qu’un Wisentlich? Car, une fois lié, un Wisentlich peut commander une armée d’Elémentaires pour son maître. Les applications militaires et pratiques d’une telle puissance sont nombreuses. Combien de temps faudrait-il à une escouade d’Elémentaires de terre pour briser la charge d’une ligne de chevaliers ? Ou combien de temps leur faudrait-il pour raser un acre de forêt ou creuser une mine?